BMES Conference ABSTRACTS DUE 5/13
UCSB BMES and the Center for Bioengineering invites undergrad students, grad students, and postdocs to apply for a travel fellowship to attend the BMES Annual Meeting, October 6th-9th. Each award of up to $2500 will cover 4 nights of shared hotel expense, travel, and registration.
Students or postdocs in CBE affiliated labs or members of the BMES Student Chapter.
Present a poster
Volunteer at the BMES Registration Booth
Volunteer at the UCSB Booth at the BMES 2021 Annual Event
Volunteer at the UCSB UC Wide Reception
To apply:
Abstracts are due May 13th: ----- BMES 2021 Annual Meeting Details
All students must notify their advisor that they are submitting an abstract and applying for this travel award.
Send the following information in a single email to by Thursday, May 13 at 5pm:
Name of applicant, dept. affiliation, and name of applicant’s faculty advisor.
Include a copy of your submitted abstract and submission confirmation.
A brief (150-word max.) statement that describes trainee’s professional goals and how attending the conference will benefit the applicant.
*Applications will be reviewed by the CBE and applicants will be notified of the status of their application before the conference registration deadline.